Anesthesia & Analgesia

The Anesthesia & Analgesia Service at PASE is dedicated to providing the highest standard of anesthesia care and pain management throughout the course of treatment for each patient.

Quality anesthesia & analgesia care is provided at a number of veterinary hospitals, but PASE is one of few specialty hospitals in the greater Philadelphia area that has a staff anesthesiologist. Dr. Zatroch is a board-certified veterinary anesthesiologist (ACVAA Diplomate) who completed specialized residency training and an examination process to attain that certification. Our anesthesiologist and nursing team maintain a particular focus on patient safety, individualized sedative/anesthetic plans, and pain management in order to provide the best possible experience for our patients and their pet parents.

Sedation and/or anesthesia may be recommended for a variety of diagnostic and surgical procedures at our hospital. The decision to sedate or anesthetize a patient is made based on the nature and duration of the recommended procedure, as well as the temperament and health of the patient. At your visit, your pet’s primary clinician at PASE will discuss the specifics as to why sedation or anesthesia may be important for your pet. If your pet will be undergoing a planned procedure, we will communicate how to prepare your pet. Such preparation may include withholding food and stopping/starting certain medications prior to arrival at the hospital.

On the day of your pet’s procedure, the anesthesia care team will perform a pre-anesthetic evaluation that includes review of patient history and recent diagnostics before creating a tailored anesthetic plan. Each patient will have a dedicated team member overseeing their pre-anesthetic preparation, monitoring, and recovery. Our nurses are trained in monitoring anesthesia and are able to recognize and troubleshoot concerns, should they arise. The anesthesiologist assists in this monitoring for patients during anesthesia and in the recovery phase, and communicates frequently with the primary clinician regarding any intra- or post-operative needs for the patient. We acknowledge the trust each pet parent places in us while we collaborate in their pet’s anesthetic experience. By taking a team based approach to anesthesia, our veterinarian and nursing teams ensure that your pet receives the conscientious care they deserve.

You can facilitate the anesthesia experience of your pet by ensuring that prior medical records, including information on previous anesthetic procedures, are provided in a timely manner prior to your pet’s visit. Awareness of any pre-existing diseases, medications, or prior issues with anesthesia should be communicated to us if known.

If you have any particular questions regarding anesthesia & analgesia or would like to speak to the anesthesiologist, please alert the primary clinician at PASE overseeing your pet’s care. Dr. Zatroch is happy to answer any questions and ease any concerns you may have regarding your pet’s anesthesia.

Dr. Katie K. Zatroch, DVM, DACVAA
Anesthesia & Analgesia Doctor
Stephanie Thomas, CVT, VTS (Anesthesia)
Anesthesia Clinical Manager

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