Refer an Outpatient Ultrasound

The PASE Diagnostic Imaging service is now taking referrals for outpatient ultrasounds (OPUS).

  • ALL outpatient ultrasound appointments require a direct referral to the Diagnostic Imaging service. Once we receive the referral, we will schedule the appointment directly with the client.

  • All outpatient ultrasounds are performed by Adam Yoskowitz VMD, DACVR.

  • OPUS appointment prices are listed below, sedation or any other necessary treatments will be additional.

  • The radiologist will call and send a copy of the report to the primary care veterinarian immediately after the ultrasound. Results will not be discussed directly with the client unless emergent.

  • If necessary, please consider providing oral sedation for the patient prior to the OPUS appointment (e.g. gabapentin, trazodone, etc).

  • If a patient requires additional sedation, they may need to be seen through the Emergency service or Internal Medicine service for pre-sedation evaluation, which would incur additional charges.

  • Fine needle aspirates and biopsies are not typically performed as part of the outpatient ultrasound unless otherwise discussed.

  • Urgent or emergent cases should be referred directly through PASE's Emergency service. If a case is deemed unstable, it will be referred to the ER at the radiologist’s discretion; the referring veterinarian will be contacted.

  • Clients will not be allowed to be present for the ultrasound.

  • The pet's hair will be clipped in the area of the ultrasound.

  • No procedures or sedation will be performed without communication with the client.

Referring Veterinarian

Client Info

Patient Info

​​​​​​​Ultrasound Type

*Referring veterinarians may also contact the Diagnostic Imaging service directly to schedule an outpatient ultrasound.

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